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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 24, Issue 5, pp. 1111-1393

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The Initial Value Problem for a System Modelling Unidirectional Longitudinal Elastic-Plastic Waves

Michael Shearer and David G. Schaeffer

pp. 1111-1144

A Level Set Formulation for the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for Hamilton–Jacobi Equations

Stanley Osher

pp. 1145-1152

Three-Dimensional Steady Water Waves Generated by Partially Localized Pressure Disturbances

Tien-Yu Sun

pp. 1153-1178

Travelling Waves in Predator-Prey Systems

Konstantin Mischaikow and James F. Reineck

pp. 1179-1214

Singularities of the X-Ray Transform and Limited Data Tomography in $\mathbb{R}^2 $ and $\mathbb{R}^3 $

Eric Todd Quinto

pp. 1215-1225

Homogenization of Degenerate Wave Equations with Periodic Coefficients

Youcef Amirat, Kamel Hamdache, and Abdelhamid Ziani

pp. 1226-1253

Regional Blow Up in a Semilinear Heat Equation with Convergence to a Hamilton–Jacobi Equation

Victor A. Galaktionov and Juan L. Vazquez

pp. 1254-1276

On the Nodal Sets of the Eigenfunctions of Certain Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Membranes

Chao-Liang Shen

pp. 1277-1282

On the Zeros of Solutions to Ginzburg–Landau Type Systems

Patricia Bauman, Neil N. Carlson, and Daniel Phillips

pp. 1283-1293

Subharmonic Solutions for Some Second-Order Differential Equations with Singularities

Alessandro Fonda, Raúl Manásevich, and Fabio Zanolin

pp. 1294-1311

Boundedness of Prime Periods of Stable Cycles and Convergence to Fixed Points in Discrete Monotone Dynamical Systems

Peter Hess and Peter Polácik

pp. 1312-1330

Strictly Nonautonomous Cooperative System with a First Integral

Baorong Tang, Yang Kuang, and Hal Smith

pp. 1331-1339

On the Instability of Arbitrary Biorthogonal Wavelet Packets

A. Cohen and I. Daubechies

pp. 1340-1354

An Arithmetic Characterization of the Conjugate Quadrature Filters Associated to Orthonormal Wavelet Bases

Albert Cohen and Qiyu Sun

pp. 1355-1360

An Elementary Approach to Some Analytic Asymptotics

Nicholas Pippenger

pp. 1361-1377

Time-Frequency Localization via the Weyl Correspondence

Jayakumar Ramanathan and Pankaj Topiwala

pp. 1378-1393